Thursday, January 14, 2010

Picture 3!

Just a picture of my anime shelf that I took
while making some dinner last night XD
I didn't have a chance to take anything better but this
picture alone shows off how much I love anime.
And this isn't my full collection, there's some in my dads room,
in the living room and there's another dresser on the other
side of this wall that has a bunch of anime in there too. <3

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Picture 2 <3

Picture 2 of Project 365!
This is a picture of my cat, "Pussy"
Yeah yeah strange name I know. When I got her she was straight from the dumpster and she was just a kitten. My aunt gave her to me as a birthday present. <3 She's the meanest cat I've ever met but she can be sweet when we wants to be.
I want to get outside to take some scenery shots but with it so cold I haven't found the time! @__@;

{Also, that's her toy rat behind her if anyone is wondering lol}
Even though my cat is giving me the evil eye, it's still pretty cute all in all! o3o;

Boba Fett

Picture 1 of Project 356!

Alright I couldn't wait to start my project so I went
into my room and threw together
a quick photo shoot with my
main man Boba Fett!!!!

"As Boba Fett looked off into the distance....
he realized....that even with the extremely girly background...
he is still the most badass Bounty Hunter... of all time..."

Monday, January 11, 2010

Project 365

Project 365

This is the first Blog I've ever done, and I'm pretty excited about it.

I'm going to be participating in something called,"Project 365"

I heard about it on a forum that I am very active in and it sounds
like a really fun idea.

Basically it's a year of carrying around your camera every single
day to take one photo and upload it.

And the photos don't have to be of yourself, they can be of
ANYTHING!!! And that to me sounds pretty exciting! <3

It will be an album full of a years worth of photo's to look back on and enjoy! I will be starting tomorrow and will start taking photos and uploading them in my blog. ^w^;

If you want to participate too then please do so!!! I would love to see other peoples photos!!! <3 Well, I need to go get my camera and stuff ready for tomorrow!!!
